Q1 quarterly monitoring report, 2022 - 2023
Executive summary of our quarterly monitoring report, Q1 2022 - 2023
This quarter we have continued to act on what people are telling us and have shared their views with those who have the power to make change happen at place and system level. We have also helped people find the information they need about services in their area and recorded this as ‘advice and information’.
- 287 residents shared their views
- We signposted and gave information to 20 residents
- Our team identified and successfully bid for one funding award
- We connected with a further eight voluntary and community organisations.
- We attended seven outreach community events, and held a number of successful drop-in and outreach sessions, bringing greater awareness to the community and providing an opportunity for Brent residents to have their voice listened to
- We sent regular communications out via news bulletins, social media, and email networks.
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Q1 monitoring report executive summary