Visit to Brent Play Association

Our Engagement Officer visited Brent Play Association and spoke to clients and staff. This is an insight into a successful day centre for young adults with special needs.

SK: What is everyone's favourite thing about the centre?

L: A lot of things. Music, painting, colouring, dancing.

O: Douglas and Glynis [the Centre Managers].

H: I also like art, cooking, all the activities.

N: As staff, it's a great work environment. The managers do so much to make the space positive. Compared to my past work places, it really does feel like a family. Even if a client feels unwell, they still want to come into the centre as they don't want to miss out. 


SK: Are there any challenges that the centre has faced?

•    Finance is a major obstacle, not just for centres like Brent Play but for many charities. There used to be more youth clubs and day centres for young people in Brent, but due to budget cuts they have significantly reduced.
•    The centre was previously able to support both children and young adults. This was especially useful for parents who had children belonging to both age groups. 
After careful consideration, the Managers decided to have the centre support adults over the age of 18. The current clients have been attending Brent Play from a young age.


SK: Is there a criteria for new clients?

  • A parent or guardian must pay for a place at Brent Play. They should mention the independence level of the young person. A young person with a physical disability or non-verbal will have their own support staff member at the centre.


SK: Are there any examples of clients who have gone through positive self-development?

  • O used to be a shy person. Now that he’s attending the centre, his confidence has improved significantly and he has strong friendships with the other clients. He has an extroverted personality.
  • One of the staff members shared an example of a service user. This person has special needs and they were able to get into paid work, thanks to the opportunities offered at Brent Play. The young people can use computers at the centre to develop their digital skills.


Thank you to Brent Play and all the clients for welcoming us into their space!


About Brent Play Association

  • A local charity for special needs young adults in Alperton, Brent. The staff provide care, recreation and a range of opportunities to support the development of their clients. The activities there consist of art, chair-based yoga, dance and more to enable the adults to reach their potential and expand their skills.

Telephone Number: 0208 998 9986  